Introduction to Database

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A database is a software application which is used for create, manipulate, retrieve and mange data i.e all data stored in structured way. The data is managed in row and column form. You can say that it is logical group of data. The successfully storing, creating and managing the data on your electronic device called database. A database is collection of organized information.

Example: Postal address, this would be contains:

  •    Building name
  •     Flat number
  •     Road name
  •    City
  •    State·    
  •     Pincode
  •   Country name

Key function of DBMS

  •     Identify a relationship between the objects
  •     Allow creation, modifying, update, delete and administrative authority of       databases
  •      Define all protocol to validation of the data
  •      Running business applications, which perform assign tasks inserting, updating, deleting, analyzing and processing of data.


Components of DBMS

                                                                  Fig 1.0

Hardware:- A set of physical electronic devices such as CPU, I/O devices, storage devices and networking device.

Software:- This is the set of programs used to creating, modifying and update the database. Software is communicating to the real-world physical system that is Operating system, networking software and database application software.

Data:- It is the raw thing i.e unmanaged data. The data may be contains others file such as operational data, meta data and data dictionaries etc.

Data manager:- this is responsible for handling query in the database. Data manager is provides all functionality of the database. This allows all commands such as creating, updating, deleting and restoring.  

Data Dictionary:- This contains information about the database. Data dictionary provides all DBMS reserved word (keyword) .It is used for flexibility and reusability of the database.

Database language:- Database language is set of program which is used for creating, updating, modifying, deleting, controlling and commit of the database. There are many languages such as DDL, DML, DCL and TCL.

Procedure:- These are set of rules and instruction that describe how to use the DBMS, this is not part of the DBMS Software. It is the documentation guide, how to data manage, manipulate, modifying data.

Query Processor:- These are the basic component of the DBMS, it is the intermediary between user and DBMS for communicate query request. Example when user gives an instruction from high level language to low level language, the command is executed in database. Instruction parsing and translation, the query processor is also optimizing queries to ensure fast process and accurate results.  

Report Generator:- This is the extracts information from one or more files and current information in predefined structure format. This information can be used for analysis, decision making and future planning.  

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